[−][src]Function avr_libc::dtostre
pub unsafe extern "C" fn dtostre(
__val: f64,
__s: *mut i8,
__prec: u8,
__flags: u8
) -> *mut i8
\ingroup avr_stdlib The dtostre() function converts the double value passed in \c val into an ASCII representation that will be stored under \c s. The caller is responsible for providing sufficient storage in \c s.
Conversion is done in the format \c "[-]d.ddde�dd" where there is one digit before the decimal-point character and the number of digits after it is equal to the precision \c prec; if the precision is zero, no decimal-point character appears. If \c flags has the DTOSTR_UPPERCASE bit set, the letter \c 'E' (rather than \c 'e' ) will be used to introduce the exponent. The exponent always contains two digits; if the value is zero, the exponent is \c "00".
If \c flags has the DTOSTR_ALWAYS_SIGN bit set, a space character will be placed into the leading position for positive numbers.
If \c flags has the DTOSTR_PLUS_SIGN bit set, a plus sign will be used instead of a space character in this case.
The dtostre() function returns the pointer to the converted string \c s.