[−][src]Function avr_libc::longjmp
pub unsafe extern "C" fn longjmp(__jmpb: *mut _jmp_buf, __ret: i16)
\ingroup setjmp \brief Non-local jump to a saved stack context.
\code #include <setjmp.h>\endcode
longjmp() restores the environment saved by the last call of setjmp() with the corresponding \e __jmpb argument. After longjmp() is completed, program execution continues as if the corresponding call of setjmp() had just returned the value \e __ret.
\note longjmp() cannot cause 0 to be returned. If longjmp() is invoked with a second argument of 0, 1 will be returned instead.
\param __jmpb Information saved by a previous call to setjmp(). \param __ret Value to return to the caller of setjmp().
\returns This function never returns.