[−][src]Function avr_libc::memmem
pub unsafe extern "C" fn memmem(
arg1: *const c_void,
arg2: size_t,
arg3: *const c_void,
arg4: size_t
) -> *mut c_void
\ingroup avr_string \fn void *memmem(const void *s1, size_t len1, const void *s2, size_t len2)
The memmem() function finds the start of the first occurrence of the substring \p s2 of length \p len2 in the memory area \p s1 of length \p len1.
\return The memmem() function returns a pointer to the beginning of the substring, or \c NULL if the substring is not found. If \p len2 is zero, the function returns \p s1.